Drawing Notes
- This drawing/document is copyright and owned by Cousins & Cousins Ltd. and for use on the site named on this drawing/document only. No implied license exists.
- This drawing/document is to be read in conjunction with all Cousins and Cousins specifications and other relevant Cousins & Cousins documentation and all other relevant other information prepared by any other party.
- All dimensions are in millimetres (mm) UNO. All levels are in meters (m) and are AOD (Above Ordnance Datum) UNO.
- Dimensions/levels marked with ” * ” are site dimensions/levels.
- All dimensions and levels, including and especially those marked as site dimensions, are to be checked on site prior to any works commencing. The contractor is to allow for site measuring all new and existing elements of the building into or onto which other elements are to be fitted or fixed. These dimensions are to be recorded on the contractor’s own schedule which is to be issued for comment.
- Do not scale or scale from this drawing/document (printed or electronic versions): use figured dimensions only.
- Any discrepancies or ambiguities within this drawing/document or between this drawing/document and any other information elsewhere must be immediately notified to the Architect in writing prior to proceeding.
- Responsibility for the reproduction of this drawing/document in paper or electronic form lies with the recipient. The recipient must check that all information has been replicated in full and is correct when compared to the original paper or electronic copy.
- All design elements (other than Architectural design elements), where indicated, have been imported from the relevant consultant’s drawings/information. Reference should be made to the individual consultant’s original drawings/information for the exact size, type and setting out of those elements.
- Graphical representations of equipment, etc. on this drawing/document have been coordinated, but are approximations only. Please refer to the specifications and/or details for actual sizes and/or specific contractor construction information. Where elements shown on this drawing/document are the design responsibility of other consultants/the contractor/specialist sub-contractors, reference must be made to their issued information for details of those elements.
- All works are to be carried out in accordance with the applicable version of the Building Regulations and the latest British Standards/European Normatives and Codes of Practice, unless specifically directed otherwise in the specification.
- Safety, health and environmental information: refer to the relevant Construction (Design and Management) documentation where applicable. It is assumed that all works detailed on this drawing/document will be carried out by a competent contractor, working, where appropriate, to an approved method statement.
- Where elements or items are noted as Contractor Designed Portion (CDP) elements of the works, the design responsibility for those elements (including the connection of these elements to the building fabric, associated interface detailing, etc.) is the responsibility of the contractor/their specialist subcontractor. Similarly, where an item is noted as being “to the contractor’s/specialist sub-contractor’s approved detailed design” or similar, responsibility for design of those elements rests with the contractor/their specialist subcontractor. Cousins and Cousins’ information issued in respect of this element of the works is design intent only. The contractor/their specialist sub-contractor for those elements of the works, is required to complete the design of those elements in accordance with this design intent and to comply with all relevant and appropriate regulations (including, but not limited to, The Building Regulations and relevant British Standards/Approved Codes of Practice). The contractor/their subcontractor is to submit detailed drawings covering all details and necessary elements of the package to the Contract Administrator and the Architect, for comment, sufficiently in advance of commencing fabrication of the elements/works commencing on site to allow all comments to be incorporated.
- If in doubt – ask.