Factory-made Housing: a solution for London?

9 October 2018

Our Narrow Gauge Modular Housing project will be part of the New London Architecture ‘Factory-made Housing: a solution for London?’ exhibition, launching on the 9th October. The NLA research looking at factory-made housing proposes how London might revolutionise attitudes, processes and delivery to achieve better-quality housing using a manufacturing-led approach.

The results have informed a publication, exhibition and series of events, launched on Tuesday 09 October 2018. The exhibition will remain open to the public in the NLA galleries until January 2019 and during this time events will take place to further explore key themes, such as how London might achieve this modular mindset, learning from postwar prefabs and unlocking small sites with MMC.

Our modular housing system delivers high volume, high density London homes. Each home is formed by joining standardised modules to create dwellings for use as social or affordable rented accommodation. This narrow gauge system is appropriate for tight sites with limited access; a perfect solution for addressing housing requirements in cities like London.

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